Sunday, July 1, 2012

Modge Podge photo

I haven't really used to much mod podge. Just been playing with ideas about what to do with it. So I decided to create a piece of wood with a photo on it. If you modge podge the picture it makes it stick better and makes it just pretty and shiny. I printed out the pictures in size 4x6 and just cut them down to the size of the wood piece. You can either cut it to size or make the piece of wood smaller and cut the picture to size.  I painted my piece of wood. I go to Lowes about once every 2 weeks and look for "reject" paint. This paint is in the paint section and it's paint that has been mixed and people don't want. You can get good brands and any size from anywhere from $.50-$5...Not to bad:)
After the paint dried I put modge podge on there and immediately stick the picture to that. Once I let that sit for a couple minutes I take and spread a thick layer of moe over the photo. I use a sponge brush and it seems to work the best.
Here's the final product. It's still drying so that's where there is still streaks, but when it's completely dry it'll not have any streaks.

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